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5 simple steps to get the right home care for your loved one


Claim your free, 60-minute consultation. One of our local, dedicated care managers will assist you with a FREE consultation


Our registered nurse or care manager will provide an assessment and individualised care plan


Liaise with other health professionals if necessary, to make sure the correct care is being provided


We will match you with the right care for you, including consistent and caring careworkers


Feel reassured your loved one is safe and sound, and being well taken care of, in the comfort of their own home

Looking for private nursing care in your own home?

DANS is here to support you with private nursing services from the comfort of your home. With the right nursing care, you or your loved one can remain at home and live independently within a familiar environment.

As moving to somewhere new can be distressing and stressful, DANS can help you or your loved access the care they need, allowing them to be comfortable.
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What private nursing services do we offer?

Our private nursing services in NSW means that you can get the care you need without the need to travel to the doctor’s surgery. What’s more, having private nursing within your home may mean that you can avoid staying in a hospital, which can make some people feel uncomfortable.

We can come into your home and take care of your clinical needs. We offer many different services, such as:

  • Identification of health needs and health checks

  • Managing health conditions, including managing diabetes and administering insulin and monitoring blood sugar levels

  • Administering medication and ensuring its management

  • Hospital care both before and after a stay, supporting you throughout the transition

  • Caring for wounds, including VAC dressings and caring for ulcers

  • Caring for burns

  • Managing continence and catheter care

  • Liaising with other healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, podiatrists and others.

  • Overseeing general care from caregivers in the home

Private nursing care in your own home

However, this list is not exhaustive and, as we treat each case individually, call our knowledgeable team to find out just how we can help you.

You can choose to top-up your government health care package with our private nursing services or you can pay for them independently.

Appointing a private nurse for your loved one is also a great option for those families who lead busy lives and struggle to find the time or are unable to accompany their loved one to lots of doctor’s appointments.

Why Choose DANS for your private nursing?

If you are looking for private nursing care in your own home, give DANS a call today and we will create the perfect care package for you, enabling you to stay where you are comfortable.

We have been caring for people in NSW for nearly twenty years and we are dedicated to helping this community to live independently. We are and have been trusted by many clients, families and friends, along with professional healthcare workers, and this is a great testament to the care we provide.

As we believe in an individualised approach, you can be sure that we will design a nursing care package to suit your needs. We are known for going above and beyond for our clients and we are passionate about providing you with the right nursing care that allows you to live your life to the fullest.

If you have any further questions about our private nursing services or any of the other home nursing services that we provide, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.
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